Top tips on maintaining Pools

It’s that time of the year again on the Gold Coast, the warmer weather is setting in fast so it’s time to get the pool gear out ready for the summer. The pool offers the whole family a place to have fun and relax, however, it’s not always fun and games. Unfortunately, your pool doesn’t stay sparkling all year round without some hard work and dedication. Maintaining your pool can be a tedious job when it’s left too long. The trick to a perfect pool this summer is staying onto of the maintenance. Thus, here are the top tips on maintaining your pool for this summer. 

Check the water levels

Checking your pool’s water levels is extremely important and can give you a quick indication of how your pool is traveling. If your water levels are too low, you may run into some problems with your pump causing it to durn or run dry. On the other hand, if your pool water is too high, it can cause the skimmer door not to operate as efficiently. Ideally, your water level should be halfway up the skimmer’s door.

Test the water

A major key to maintaining your pool is regularly testing the water. A step that is usually not done enough but ensures that you will be able to safely swim in your pool. When you test your pool’s water, you need to keep the chlorine levels consistent by adding the correct chemicals to balance the PH levels. Your pool’s PH level should stay between 7.4 to 7.6 to ensure the water doesn’t create any bacteria or start looking murky. You should be testing your pool water every week, especially in summer. If you are unsure of how to test your pool or the right chemicals you need, talk to the experts at Pool Gear Australia.

Clean the filter and baskets

Your pool filter is like the heart of your pool, when it’s not working your whole pool will deteriorate. Cleaning your pool’s filter is extremely important to maintain a clean and healthy pool. You want to clean out the filter every 3 months or after any heavy storm. The baskets will need to clean regularly as well. To do so, you will need to turn off the pump to release any pressure that built up. Then, empty all the dirt and leaves from the basket. Doing this every 2 week will ensure you maintain the cleanliness of your pool. Pool Gear Australia provide the best pool cleaning on the Gold Coast & provide various maintenance tips along with that.

Scrub and skim

Finally, maintenance would never be complete without scrubbing and skimming your pool. One of the more tedious chores, but nonetheless just as important.

Scrubbing the sides of your pool with a pool scrubber is super important and needs to be done at least once a week. This helps remove any algae build-up that may destroy your pool chemical balance.

Skimming the top of your pool with a pool scoop is one of the common parts of maintaining your pool. It removes any leaves or debris that is sitting on the surface of your pool, and no one wants to look at that! It’s recommended to skim your pool roughly 1-2 times a week to keep your pool looking amazing.

If you are needing any pool gear on the Gold Coast for this summer, head to Pool Gear Australia for all your pool maintenance questions and issues.

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